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309 reviews
Latte Liberate
Donna Douglas
Latte Liberate

Latte Liberate is absolutely amazing, I've been using this product for 10 months for menopause. I am blown away with how it has helped tremendously with my hot flushes and severe mood swings, it has been fantastic with dealing with menopause on a daily basis and all of my family and friends have noticed such a huge change within me and it's also helping with weightloss. I am beyond grateful that these products are around and that actually works.

Latte Liberate
Simone Anderson
Latte Liberate

Great product. Does what it claims to do. Buy it.

Bitter Melon
Linda Baker
Feeling good

I feel less bloated with the products

Berry Cleanse
Julie Thompson
Berry Cleanse

Great product does what it says, however need to make in capsule form for easy transport when on holiday away from home

Menopause Bundle

Loving the products, particularly the Brain Booster which has really helped clear the brain fog and the Latte Liberate which makes for a nice breakfast smoothie and I’ve not experienced any hot flushes or night sweats since taking this. I was grateful for the first few nights of deep sleep after taking the Spiced Halo but alas it didn’t last and doesn’t dissolve well. I have felt no difference at all with the Bitter Melon. Overall I love the products and will re-purchase the Brain Booster regularly.

Constipation can cause hormonal imbalance

Constipation can cause hormonal imbalance | kulture.store

Digestive issues are a common problem. One of the most common digestive problems is constipation. We’ve all gone through bouts of feeling backed up. It’s probably because our diet has changed so much over the years. There is a proliferation of highly processed food and we seem to be NOT drinking enough water. We keep eating processed food because it is convenient and lasts longer than fresh food.

Ensure you get enough fibre

A quick trip to the vending machine down the hall will prove this point. You can have your pick of chips or fudge bars but you won’t see apples or salads being dispensed. Bagels, donuts and high calorie frappuccinos dominate our breakfasts. They’re convenient and they ease our hunger. But the trade off is that we miss out on fibre rich foods that are good for us. Fibre acts like a broom, it sweeps our insides of toxins and helps flush them out. If we don’t  eat enough fibre, we end up constipated.

Constipation is a digestive problem characterised by:

  • Hard to pass stool - stool that is hard, dry, or lumpy
  • Infrequent bowel movement - going three times a week or less frequently
  • Incomplete bowel movement - having that feeling that you still need to go to the bathroom to empty your colon.

Toxins form within the body

Women are three times more likely than men to experience constipation. It’s just biology. Women’s colons are longer and have more twists and turns. But constipation is experienced by everyone at some point in their lives no matter what gender or age. Constipation is not only uncomfortable, it can also cause a host of problems - hormonal imbalance is one of them.

Toxins form inside our bodies when we don’t flush them out (through pee) or eliminate them regularly (through poop). Metabolised hormones re-enter the body when you don’t get them out of your system. This prevents the endocrine glands from producing a new batch of hormones and this can be dangerous. In fact, many harmful metabolites can stay inside your body if you don’t poop it out.

Harmful Estrogens

For example, in women, the metabolites of harmful estrogens (e.g. 16-alpha-hydroxyestrone - which can cause breast cancer) can be reabsorbed by the body. This can lead to estrogen overload - and can create havoc on your body. Unnecessary estrogen circulating in a woman’s body can, down the line, lead to hyperthyroidism, and can cause breast, endometrial, and cervical cancers.

Ideally, it is best to go potty at least once per day. You can help your digestive system along by doing these things:

  1. Drinking lots of water - your bowels need a minimum of one quart of water to form stool. Think of your whole GI tract as a water slide. Water helps move things along to get to the last stop.
  2. Increasing your fibre intake - eat whole foods that are rich in fibre. You can also take fibre supplements to increase your daily intake.
  3. Taking probiotics - take care of your gut by encouraging good bacteria to flourish. Fermented food such as sauerkraut, yoghurt, and kimchi are excellent probiotic sources.
  4. Detoxing - help your digestive system along by going on a detox.

By helping your digestive system maintain regular bowel movements, you can also help balance your hormones!

How Berry Cleanse Can help

Berry Cleanse is a unique formula of superfoods such as diatomaceous earth and psyllium husk powder, designed to support the liver, provide a great source of fibre to keep you regular, whilst promoting healthy gut flora. Berry Cleanse will get things moving down there and when taken regularly - it will keep you regular.


Berry Cleanse with review

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