
Customers love Kulture

307 reviews
Bitter Melon
Linda Baker
Feeling good

I feel less bloated with the products

Berry Cleanse
Julie Thompson
Berry Cleanse

Great product does what it says, however need to make in capsule form for easy transport when on holiday away from home

Menopause Bundle

Loving the products, particularly the Brain Booster which has really helped clear the brain fog and the Latte Liberate which makes for a nice breakfast smoothie and I’ve not experienced any hot flushes or night sweats since taking this. I was grateful for the first few nights of deep sleep after taking the Spiced Halo but alas it didn’t last and doesn’t dissolve well. I have felt no difference at all with the Bitter Melon. Overall I love the products and will re-purchase the Brain Booster regularly.

Bitter Melon
Neet Smith
Great product

It is a great product. I was surprised to see the 1 star review - it should be removed because that person didnt try it or bother to read the "how to use" before purchasing, so that review does not represent the product.

Glad you're loving the Bitter Melon! We like to be transparent with our reviews and that's why we have left the other one there, but you're right, they didn't try the product as they couldn't use it. Thanks for leaving a review that helps everyone decide if this is the right product for them :)

Latte Liberate
Latte Liberate

This is one product i can't do without. Sometimes you wonder if these things work or not. Well let me tell you, I went away for nine days, (didn't think 9 days would be a problem) boy was I wrong. To avoid running out i will subscribe. One less thing to worry about, in my busy life

So happy to hear that our Latte Liberate is working for you! Definitely set up a subscription as you'll never run out and you can edit your subscription at any time - PLUS you also save money! Win, Win :)

Benefits of doing a Detox

Benefits of doing a Detox | kulture.store

Our bodies are always under attack from harmful chemicals and compounds. There are pollutants in the air, pesticides  and preservatives in our food, chemicals and heavy metals in our drinking water, and a slew of other things that may accumulate in our cells and wreak havoc on our health. Our bodies are excellent at taking care of itself, but there’s no harm in helping it along. But how? Is there a safe way of getting these harmful toxins out of our system?


“A 2011study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine assessed the use of clinical detoxification therapies by licensed naturopathic doctors in the United States. One hundred ninety-six naturopathic doctors completed a survey about the use of clinical detoxification therapies; 92 percent of respondents reported using detox therapies and over 75 percent utilised detoxification to treat patients for environmental exposures, general cleaning and preventive medicine, gastrointestinal disorders and autoimmune diseases.”

While consulting your doctor is always a good idea, you can also do a detox at home. Detox drinks can be made with simple concoctions that don’t require fancy hard to find (or hard to pronounce) ingredients. Most ingredients of an effective  detox can be found at home or at your local farmers market or grocery.

Flat Tummy Combo for detoxing

What are the benefits of doing a detox?

Better immunity

When toxins accumulate in our body, our organs need to work double time just to do its primary function. A detox can help things along by cleansing our bodies of illness causing substances. Some detoxes that are specifically designed to support the lymphatic system in its functions, which is great because the lymphatic system is a network of tissues and organs that help rid the body of toxins, waste and other unwanted materials. Its primary function is to transport lymph, a fluid containing infection-fighting white blood cells, throughout the body.

Improved energy

Detoxing clears your system of substances that can weigh you down and cause sluggishness or energy crashes like sugar and caffeine. You should feel lighter and more refreshed after a detox.

Healthy internal organs

The health of your internal organs are very important for overall health. A healthy liver, kidneys, and stomach can translate to improved functions in other organs. Once these internal organs are free of toxins, they do a better job of cleansing and helping our bodies absorb more nutrients.

Improved appearance

Healthy insides translate to healthy outsides If our internal organs are  toxin free and healthy, our outward appearance reflects that. We get clearer skin, shinier hair, and less signs of ageing like saggy skin,  uneven skin tone, and wrinkles.

Improved mental performance

A detox reduces the risk of mood swings, lessens fatigue and brain fog, and improves cognitive function.

Flat tummy combo detox


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