Flat Tummy Combo includes 2 products to cleanse and nourish your gut. It's suitable for women of all ages.
• Supports healthy gut and bowel movements
• Relieve uncomfortable gas build up
• Helps to reduce bloating
• Strengthens your digestion
• Supports the digestion of food within the gut
• Cleanses the liver and colon for better functionality
• Supports detoxification and removal of heavy metals
"No longer suffer from bloating"
Running short on time - no problem, simply add both products together to make:
• Smoothie
• Drink with water
As you get older, have you noticed certain foods tend to trigger off issues such as bloating, gas and stomach ache? We often think twice before eating these foods, however we used to enjoy them without any complaints? This is due to ageing.
If the body fails to produce enough digestive enzymes, certain foods are not digested properly. This leads to digestive stress that is often the beginning of a food intolerances and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
Foods that are left undigested start to fester in the gut and can cause many health problems such as IBS, foul smelling gas, constipation, yeast overgrowth, candida, and stubborn bloating.
Fruitful Digest helps to strengthen your digestive system over time whilst breaking down the proteins and food quicker within your gut.