
Customers love Kulture

306 reviews
Berry Cleanse
Julie Thompson
Berry Cleanse

Great product does what it says, however need to make in capsule form for easy transport when on holiday away from home

Menopause Bundle

Loving the products, particularly the Brain Booster which has really helped clear the brain fog and the Latte Liberate which makes for a nice breakfast smoothie and I’ve not experienced any hot flushes or night sweats since taking this. I was grateful for the first few nights of deep sleep after taking the Spiced Halo but alas it didn’t last and doesn’t dissolve well. I have felt no difference at all with the Bitter Melon. Overall I love the products and will re-purchase the Brain Booster regularly.

Bitter Melon
Neet Smith
Great product

It is a great product. I was surprised to see the 1 star review - it should be removed because that person didnt try it or bother to read the "how to use" before purchasing, so that review does not represent the product.

Glad you're loving the Bitter Melon! We like to be transparent with our reviews and that's why we have left the other one there, but you're right, they didn't try the product as they couldn't use it. Thanks for leaving a review that helps everyone decide if this is the right product for them :)

Latte Liberate
Latte Liberate

This is one product i can't do without. Sometimes you wonder if these things work or not. Well let me tell you, I went away for nine days, (didn't think 9 days would be a problem) boy was I wrong. To avoid running out i will subscribe. One less thing to worry about, in my busy life

So happy to hear that our Latte Liberate is working for you! Definitely set up a subscription as you'll never run out and you can edit your subscription at any time - PLUS you also save money! Win, Win :)


I bought the Hormone and gut starter pack and I’ve only been using it for around 3 weeks and I can feel a difference. I going to the toilet a whole lot better. I feel more energised. The taste is great too.

Benefits of Walnuts

Benefits of Walnuts | kulture.store

Nuts are fun, nutritious, and convenient snacks. It’s always a good idea to keep them handy for instant healthy snacking, instead of having chips or cookies. Try filling a small, clear, plastic, compartmentalised, container with different nuts in small serving sizes. They’re great for quick snacks, road trips, picnics, or instant snacks to serve to guests.   

One of the most popular and versatile snackable nuts are walnuts. They’re those wrinkly nuts that come in a shell. Most of the time, they come pre-shelled and ready to eat. Walnuts are a misnomer because they are, in fact, not nuts!

Walnuts come from any tree of the Juglandaceae family. Botanically speaking, they are seeds of a drupe (like coconuts,olives, peaches, and plums). They are eaten raw or roasted. They make their way into baked goods such as cookies, cakes, bread, nutrition bars and are even used as cereal toppings.

Rich in antioxidants

Walnuts are incredibly rich in antioxidants, those substances that prevent or delay cell damage caused by damaging oxidizing agents. In fact, walnuts are second only to blackberries in the list of antioxidant rich foods. Antioxidants are famous for helping keep our cells young and healthy. Among the antioxidants found in walnuts are: ellagic acid, catechin, melatonin, and phytic acid.

Good for the brain

The presence of these antioxidants in walnuts helps support healthy ageing by combating free radicals and slowing down age related deterioration. It also helps promote good brain function including faster processing speed, more mental flexibility and better memory. Studies also prove that walnuts can treat cognitive disorders such as dementia and epilepsy.

Good for the tummy

Walnuts can also support weight control. How? By curbing your appetite. They’re also very rich in fibre which can make you feel full for longer and can help maintain regular bowel movement. As an added bonus, walnuts have probiotic properties that can help improve your gut health by increasing beneficial bacteria (like probiotic bacteria such as: Lactobacillus, Ruminococcus, and Roseburia) in your gut. This can greatly aid in the cleansing and detoxification of your digestive system.

Good for the blood

Walnuts can also reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes by helping control your blood sugar. They’re also found to help decrease bad cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood and even alleviate high blood pressure.

Good for reproductive health

Walnuts are a great snack for expecting mums. They are an excellent source of Vitamin B complex groups like folates, riboflavin, thiamin, necessary for fetal development. Walnuts also support male reproductive health by improving sperm shape, vitality and mobility.

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